Monday, July 25, 2011

Feasibility Report #1

Reflection Questions: Artifact #1
1. In a few sentences, briefly summarize what you did.
I created a timeline that detailed the Rise and Fall of the Roman empire using the website Dipity.
2. What key ideas, skills or concepts are needed to complete this project? Be
As far as key ideas, an understanding of the Roman Empire’s history is necessary, as well as
skills within the website to create timelines.
3. Specifically, list any Web 2.0 tools, websites, software or other resources
used to complete this project. (all tool should be open source, if not please
The only tool I used was
4. What prior knowledge was needed to complete the task?
Prior knowledge of the site and its use, as well as information on how to upload photos was
5. What were the obstacles/challenges to completing this project? How did you
overcome them?
The obstacle I faced in completing the project was making the connections between events and
cause and effect relationships when it came to Roman history.
6. What needs to be changed in the project?
I don’t think anything needs to be change for this project.
7. What resources (knowledge/content based) did you use to complete this

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