Monday, July 25, 2011

Feasibility Report #8

1. In a few sentences, briefly summarize what you did.
I created a podcast from the point of view of a individual during the early Roman Empire who did not exhibit Moral Courage during their time.

2. What key ideas, skills or concepts are needed to complete this project? Be specific.
An understanding of what encompasses moral courage, and minimum song recording skills are needed to complete this project.

3. Specifically, list any Web 2.0 tools, websites, software or other resources used to complete this project. (all tool should be open source, if not please identify)
I used Garageband to record the podcast.

4. What prior knowledge was needed to complete the task?
An understanding of the early Roman Empire is necessary to complete this task.

5. What were the obstacles/challenges to completing this project? How did you overcome them?
The only challenge I faced was writing the podcast in a manner that sufficiently told a story and relied information on the topic.

6. What needs to be changed in the project?

7. What resources (knowledge/content based) did you use to complete this task.
I used history books as well as Garageband to record.

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