Monday, July 25, 2011

Feasibility Report #4

1. In a few sentences, briefly summarize what you did.
I created a blog that spoke from the perspective of several different individuals during the 1920s.

2. What key ideas, skills or concepts are needed to complete this project? Be specific.
An understanding of the principles that divided people during the 1920s is necessary, as well as blogging skills.

3. Specifically, list any Web 2.0 tools, websites, software or other resources used to complete this project. (all tool should be open source, if not please identify)
The only site I used to complete the project was blogger.

4. What prior knowledge was needed to complete the task?

5. What were the obstacles/challenges to completing this project? How did you overcome them?
I didn't run into any obstacles in completing the task.

6. What needs to be changed in the project?
Originally the project was for the Civil War, however I changed it to the 1920s since the "Revolution" row already had a Civil War project.

7. What resources (knowledge/content based) did you use to complete this task.
I used online websites and other books to acquire the information needed to complete the task.

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